Winter Stories

20 December 2024

We are in the midst of the darkest period of the year in the nothern hemisphere. A mysterious time when life on the land has fallen into a deep sleep of winter.

I want to share with you a glimpse of the forgotten story of winter that I feel brings back the wonder of this time, as well as a solstice ritual.

The story of the Winter Solstice ꩜

Before the rise of Christianity in Europe, the celebration now known as Christmas was originally called Yulefest. This festival marked the winter solstice: the longest night of the year and the day with the least sunlight, which also symbolized the moment when the days began to lengthen again, heralding the "rebirth" of the Sun. Yulefest was a key celebration for the people of Europe, and as Christianity spread, the church appropriated this tradition, transforming the rebirth of the Sun into the birth of Christ.

The birth of the sun

In the northern hemisphere, December 21st marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and a moment of great significance on the wheel of the year. The Solstice is the point when the sun is reborn. Pagans also believed that with the return of the light, a new year cycle was about to start.

From midnight on December 21st until the 24th, the sun remains at its lowest point, neither moving north nor south, appearing 'dead' for three days. Then, in the early hours of December 25th, the sun begins its journey north once again.

A simple sundial or any object that casts a shadow can help you track the sun’s movement. Place a stick or pole vertically in the ground and observe how the shadow changes length and direction each day at solar noon.

On the days following the Winter Solstice (Dec 22-24), you should notice that the length and angle of the shadow do not change significantly from day to day. The shadow will remain nearly the same length and direction for several days in a row, indicating that the sun is not moving noticeably higher in the sky yet.

Ever since last year’s Winter Solstice the sun has grown: from birth, to its height at the Summer Solstice, then declined through autumn, until its light finally died on the darkest night. When, simultaneously, it is born again. And a new cycle of life begins.

The Return of the light 

A miracle, that on the shortest day – when it feels like we could just descend completely into darkness – the light returns– bringing a new cycle of life and growth. What new life will unfold from this?

The beginning of a new year

With the birth of the sun a new year begins. Many pagan traditions saw the Winter Solstice as what we call New Year’s eve in today’s world. It was seen as the beginning of a new cycle of birth, growth and death in nature; a whole new year of life, experiences & transformation.

To gain a deeper understanding of what is unfolding within and around us during these darker days, we can bring back (forgotten) rituals.

Herbal Solstice bundle

Y o u w i l l n e e d

꩜ cloth and string or small sack

꩜ herbs (dried or fresh)

꩜ pen and piece of paper

꩜ candle and match


This ritual begins the night of the Winter solstice. The best moment is to do it right before bedtime in the stillness of the darkest night.

Collect herbs

Harvest good smelling herbs, ideally at least a week before the solstice and let them drie. Alternatively you can use fresh herbs. For this ritual I like to use mugwort as it is a native herb known for its dream enhancement properties. If you can not find it, use another herb that you feel drawn to. Make sure to always harvest respectfully.

Making the sack

Lay your herbs on the fabric or in the sack. Do not close it yet. On the piece of paper write down your dreams for the next year’s cycle. Now is not the time to make it too concrete. You can keep it abstract and trust that it will become more clear once winter is over. Place it on the dried herbs and tie it all up. Place the bundle under your pillow where you sleep.

Next morning

If you can, wake up before dawn, while it’s still dark. In this way you can witness the magical first moment of the return of light. Take your herbal bundle from under your pillow and hold it in your hands. Recall what you wrote. Breathe with the first light of dawn, feel your breath that connects you to the bigger body of earth. Witness the power of nature’s rhythm flowing through you. When you're ready, light the candle and welcome the return of the light on this sacred day.

Find a place for your bundle where it can stay during the winter time. It can also go back under your pillow. Let it remind you of the power of dreams and the rhythms of nature.

On the spring equinox, open the bundle and release the sleeping vision into the world. 𓂃 ˖

Winter guide

T u n e i n w i t h t h e r h y t h m o f W i n t e r

Tools and rituals to..

꩜ Empty yourself

꩜ Befriend the unknown

꩜ Tune in with the Winter Solstice

꩜ Learn about Pagan Winter stories and traditions

꩜ Make your own Solstice candle

꩜ Dream yourself into being

꩜ Welcome new beginnings

Let’s take it slow in this time and create enough space for rest and stillness.


Embodying autumn