Embodying autumn

The seasons as our teacher

Autumn arrived and brought us shorter days, colder temperatures and the return of darkness. We can witness life on the land slowing down, photosynthesis drops, and annual plants preparing for the release of what is no longer serving. After flowering and fruiting in summer, many plants leave behind tiny precious S E E D S - the next generation of growth. While many plants die at the beginning of winter, their seeds remain, ready to sprout again in spring. As we are a reflection of nature surrounding us, what takes place outside also occurs within us.

Year’s Harvest

This time invites us to slow down, turn inwardly, reflect on our year’s harvest & return to our core.

~ What are the lessons we are harvesting from this year?

Letting Go

Autumn also marks a time of letting go, as many plants drop their leaves once it gets colder. Nature teaches us that we need to go through a period of death, of dropping what no longer serves, in order to create space for new beginnings to be birthed.

~ What do we want to let go of, for it to decompose back into nutritious soil for the next year?

Planting Seeds/ Intentions

After the death of the old in Winter, a rebirth of new life will follow - a seed germinating in the darkness, making its way towards the light. This cyclical transformation can occur within us too if we allow it. As this time invites us to shed our skin and let go of attachments about who we think we are, we are also being invited to tune in with our own seeds that we want to plant for next year.

~ What are the next steps we want to take in order to come closer to manifesting our vision in spring?

~ What are the intentions we want to plant for next year to germinate, sprout and flower?

During the next season of winter, we can dream our new selves into being, and take deep rest while our seeds stay protected underneath the soil. Once the light returns in spring our intentions will become more clear and ready to be born into the physical world.

Practise for Seasonal Embodiment in Autumn:

“Getting Lost”

~1-3 hours

Practicals: Go out into the woods by yourself and allow yourself to get lost. If you want to keep track of time, you can set your alarm and till that point turn your phone on airplane mode. Make sure to bring enough food and liquid with you. Maybe you want to mark the point on your phone from where you leave, in order to find your way back in the end.


Allow yourself to walk slower, to let the landscape stimulate your senses, touch, smell and maybe taste the nature around you. Whenever you notice your mind being distracted by past or future events, bring your attention to your breath. This is your anchor to come back to the moment.

~ What can you see and feel around you?

~ Do you hear the songs of the leaves dancing in the wind?


Being lost, and not having a plan for where to go next teaches us to embrace the uncertainty that comes with autumn. To be with not knowing the next steps, because then we are truly open for what wants to unfold naturally next year.

~ Nature is forever our teacher, showing us that all things must die before they can be reborn again in spring. It is up to us to open up and trust in that transformation. ~


Winter Stories


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